blue mountains Property Valuation

these systems you know they’ve made a lot blue mountains Property Valuation of headway and they’re doing better and better all the time but they have massive weaknesses and one of those weaknesses is they’re drawing all their information from the county records tax assessor is whether getting the bedrooms bathroom square footage which could all be wrong and then not only they’re using

that but they’re then trying to figure out which properties are comparable and they’re doing a circle around the property say a two mile radius but you and I both know that every part of the US there are pockets where if you go two miles apart they’re completely different worlds right you can go from absolute the nicest part of town the complete ghetto in two miles and so but the computer doesn’t know that Zillow Trulia I mean in fact there’s a lot of other you can pay for some expensive stuff sightings data real quest that they’re all getting their data from the recorders

of the county route records and then they don’t really have a good way to be able to match up neighborhoods and houses right so what if you’re what if you get a bunch of new subdivisions interspersed with some really old subdivisions well you don’t want to compare those brand-new homes with those super old homes it’s just a minute comparison what if there is brand-new built homes being dropped in the same neighborhood as an older neighborhood so the computer can’t be the comparing mechanism the computer can’t be the one to choose which are comparables

true comparables that’s what you’re looking for that’s what the MLS gives you some true comparables so again let’s go back to our iPhone example if you’re trying to figure out if the iPhone is a good deal or not you need to look at the identical iPhones that you’re looking to buy and be able to compare what those sales were and so to get that apples to apples comparison in real estate you need to find accurate comparable sales and computers just can’t do it I mean Zillow Trulia they can be an absolute disaster on values now that can